Meal and Travel Allowance

Meal and Travel Allowance

Below are the links for the actual rates for any given year for reasonable travel and overtime meal allowance

2016/17 Tax Year

2015/16 Tax Year

2014/15 Tax Year

Overtime meals

For tax payers that receive a meal allowance, the reasonable amount for overtime meal allowance expenses is $28.80 for the 2015/16 income year.

Domestic travel

A domestic travel allowance expense claim is considered to be reasonable if the amount of the claim covered by the allowance received by an employee does not exceed the reasonable amount shown in the table in the determination. Different allowance amounts apply to employees at three separate salary levels, (see determination link above) office holders covered by the Remuneration Tribunal, federal members of parliament and employee truck drivers.
Employee truck drivers

For employee truck drivers who receive a travel allowance and who sleep away from home, the Commissioner considers an amount of $95.40 per day for the 2015/16 year to be reasonable for meal expenses.

Overseas travel

Where an overseas travel allowance is received, the amount claimed for expenses incurred is considered to be reasonable if it does not exceed the relevant food and drink (meals) or incidentals component covered by an overseas travel allowance shown in the determination. The overseas amounts identify the meals component and incidentals component separately. Each country has its own rate, so check the determination for the relevant year.


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